It is like big Bella holding baby Bella. Weird!
Look how big my baby boy is next to my baby girl!
My friend Jenelle bought Amelia this adorable bathing suit and she got one for her daughter Natalie too. They are the cutest baby bumble bees ever!! It looks like Millie is stinging Natalie in this one lol.
Just look at those rolls! She is just such a little squish. It is hard not to just eat her up some days.
She loves being outside and had a great time in the big girl swing at Rara's house.
We were part of setting a Guinness World Record last month. It was called the Great Cloth Diaper Change and people all over the world went to events and changed a baby into a cloth diaper all at the same time. The kids and I learned about all kinds of silly records that have been set and we had fun looking through the record books. Then we got to be a part of actually setting a record! It was pretty neat. I was surprised at how official it all was. Our local GCDC event was at Treehouse a local children's boutique and playhouse.
When the time came for the event we all had to hold up our cloth diaper for an official Guinness photo
Then we had to change our babies (no photos allowed during the change of course) and then hold up our freshly cloth diapered babies for another official Guinness photo.
There she is, all fresh and clean in one her her fanciest diapers.
While we were out setting world records, Jason was home doing something cool too. This old hitching post is a family heirloom. He sanded it all down and spray painted it and put it in the ground. It has been in his dad's family for many many years and his dad gave it to us recently. It is a pretty cool new addition to our yard. Now the kids want a horse to hitch to it.
On one of the coldest and most blustery spring days last month, the kids and I went to Hancock Shaker Village for Baby Animal day. I am ashamed to admit that I had never been. I have lived here for almost 5 years and had just never made it over. It was so great. The kids had so much fun and have begged to go back almost everyday since. They loved dressing up and pretending they were Shakers. What I thought was going to be a few hour trip turned into an all day event.

They were all pleasantly surprised that they could get right in the pens and pet the baby animals.
Amelia was sufficiently bundled for the blustery excursion. She looked so cute!!
Everyone loved the Discovery Barn. They could have stayed there all day.
Amelia has started eating real food. I waited longer to feed her than I did with the other kids. She isn't really loving it but it is really cute to watch. She has perfected the art of spitting cereal everywhere. She can get quite the spray going. She is really turning into a little ham...
At the same time we were introducing food to Amelia, we were discussing digestion for science. The kids had fun doing some tongue mapping when we learned about the mouth. We also had a great discussion on braces during that time and did a Facebook survey. Our results showed that people were less likely to have gotten braces 25 years ago or more. We did this study on the day we found out that Bella does NOT need braces. We were told at her last appointment that she did need them but things have changed and we are praising God for this dental miracle.
Baseball season has officially begun! Isaac is playing his second season of Rookie League. He broke in the awesome catcher's gear that he got for his birthday and Christmas. He's been doing a little pitching too and his bat is heating up with 2 big hits in his last game! I love watching him have fun.
The Chooch is growing up so fast. She just turned 6 months old last week (*weepy mommy face*). I cannot believe how big she is. She is moving all over the place. We can't leave her unattended for a minute. She loves to roll right under the furniture our out of the living room. She'll be up and crawling in no time.
The spring is getting busier and busier. Our church just finished building our radio antenna and soon 91.7 WJNF will be on the air. We are really excited about that. Lots of baseball coming up and recitals and bridal showers and birthdays, and end of the school year activities and more baseball. So much fun to look forward too!